Deighton |
Venue:- |
Huddersfield Table Tennis Centre. |
4th Floor, Turnbridge Mill, Quay Street, Huddersfield, HD1 6QT. |
'A' 'C' 'D' Teams Sec:- |
Paul Simpson, 166, Bradley Road, Bradley, Huddersfield, HD2 1QT. |
Mobile:07879 248635 Email:deightontt@gmail.com |
(All Deighton ' F ' Home League & Cup matches to commence at 7.00pm if possible away.) |
'B' 'E 'F' 'Team Sec:- |
Kevin Senior, 193, Southfield Road, Huddersfield, HD5 8RJ. |
Mobile:07748 155449 Email:kevinsenior14@gmail.com |
Elland Table Tennis Club |
Venue:- |
Baines Hall, Elland Cricket Athletic & Bowling Club, Hullenedge, Elland, HX5 0QY. |
(From Elland travel up Victoria Rd past Brooksbank High School, take next right |
into Hammerstones Rd. The road curves to the right onto Hullenedge Rd passing |
St Patrick's Primary School and the Cricket Club is designated by a white building |
on the right.) Table Tennis is located in the Baines Hall function room. |
Sec:- |
Alasdair Whiteley, 47, Foxcroft Drive, Rastrick, Brighouse, HD6 3PQ. |
Mobile:07951 646157 Email:alasdairwhiteley@hotmail.co.uk |
Exiles |
Venue:- |
Huddersfield Table Tennis Centre. |
4th Floor, Turnbridge Mill, Quay Street, Huddersfield, HD1 6QT. |
Team Sec :- |
Frank Patient, 26, Warneford Road, Huddersfield, HD4 5TW. |
Mobile:07967 530983 Email:fpatient8@ntlworld.com |
Kingsmith Table Tennis Club |
Venue:- |
74, Albert Street, Lockwood, Huddersfield, HD1 3QL. |
A Team Sec :- |
Geoff Dunne, 25,Caldercroft, Elland, HX5 9AY. |
Mobile:07948 410025 Email:geoffdunne@blueyonder.co.uk |
B Team Sec :- |
Steve Dearing, 28, Suffolk Rise, Huddersfield, HD2 1ZG. |
Mobile:07787 104409 Email:steve.dearing@hotmail.co.uk |
C Team Sec :- |
Jonathan Taylor, 30, Suffolk Rise, Huddersfield, HD2 1ZG. |
Mobile:07704 738644 Email:jdtaylor1973@hotmail.com |
D Team Sec :- |
David Singleton, 9, Haughs Green, Golcar, Huddersfield, HD7 4NF. |
Mobile:07712 729483 Email:dsingleton@longwoodengineering.co.uk |
E Team Sec :- |
Enda Ellis, 18, South Lane, Holmfirth, HD9 1HJ. |
Mobile:07546 269202 Email:endaellis@hotmail.com |
Longwood |
Venue:- |
Longwood Mechanics Hall, Longwood Gate, Huddersfield, HD3 4UU. |
(Venue 20 metres downhill from the Slip Inn Pub) |
A & B Team Sec :- |
Neville Turner, 5, Timerwood, Thunderbridge, Kirkburton, HD8 0PB.. |
Mobile:07768 991325 Email:nev11@hotmail.co.uk |
Marsh United |
Venue:- |
Marsh United Bowling Club, Eldon Road, Marsh, Huddersfield, HD1 4ND. |
(Approaching from town centre up Westbourne Road, after pedestrian traffic |
lights take 1st left into Eldon Rd, (Eldon Rd is opposite Abb Street where old |
Marsh Con club was.) Marsh United club is approximately 280 metres on the left |
between houses 87 & 89 Eldon Royd Court. (Club is behind house number 89) |
(All League & Cup matches at Marsh United to commence at 7.00pm.) |
A Team Sec :- |
Alan West, 593, New Hey Road, Mount, Hudderdfield, HD3 3XU. |
Telephone:01484 651375 (Home) Mobile:07919 834233 |
Email:alan-west@talktalk.net |
B Team Sec :- |
Ed Bowen, 67, Station Road, Shepley, Huddersfield, HD8 8DS. |
Telephone:01484 604646 (Home) Mobile:07736 671249 |
Email:ed.bowen@gmail.com |
C Team Sec :- |
Steve Dunn, 11, Woodleigh Grove, Beaumont Park, Huddersfield, HD4 7AN |
Telephone:01484 645264 (Home) Mobile:07776 138646 |
Email:sgndunn@talk21.com |
New North Road Baptist Church |
N.N.R.B.C |
Venue:- |
New North Road Baptist Church, New North Parade, Huddersfield, HD1 5JU. |
A &,B Team Sec ;- |
Geoff Adams, 1, Rectory Gardens, Emley, Huddersfield, HD8 9RD. |
Telephone:01924 849149 (Home) Mobile:07885 988527 |
Email:geoffreymadams@aol.com |
Nova Table Tennis Club |
Venue:- |
Huddersfield Table Tennis Centre. |
4th Floor, Turnbridge Mill, Quay Street, Huddersfield, HD1 6QT. |
Team Sec :- |
Frederic Le Doeuff, 37, Tom Lane, Huddersfield, HD4 5PP. |
Mobile:07779 339307 Email:frederic.le.doeuff.mail@gmail.com |
Woodfield Park |
Venue:- |
Wilshaw Village Hall, Wilshaw, Holmfirth, HD9 4DX |
Team Sec :- |
Mike Belk, 10, Small Lane, Golcar, Huddersfield, HD2 2HJ. |
Telephone:01484 644186 (Home) Mobile: 07971 569061 |
Email:mikebelk57@aol.com |